How to re-authorize your Google Account

Occasionally, you may see an error when trying to export data to Google Drive or connect an authorized Google account during the audit setup.

Re-authorizing your Google account may be enough to get everything back on track, so here is how to do it.

  • Navigate to Settings in the top menu, right next to Your Account
  • Find the Google Accounts tab
  • Find the relevant account (pay attention to the Type column)
  • Click Re-Authorise and follow the prompts in your browser window

How to Reauthorize Google Accounts


Authorizing Google Account

*Note: You will not lose data when re-authorising or deleting Google Accounts from your Sitebulb settings.

Once you have re-authorised your account:

  • Navigate back to Project Settings
  • Select the relevant Google Account again when prompted

If you are still having trouble connecting to your Google Account after following the steps above, please contact support.